I agree with everything you said except I'm not a Republican and I live in a Red State. So are we to suffer for what MAGATS did in Red States!! I'm sorry but this is America not a red or blue state!! It is not WE THE PEOPLES FAULT WHO VOTED FOR DEMOCRACY!!!

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If you read the entire article, the idea would be for Blue States to cover the costs of you moving to a Blue State while the red states feel the pain of becoming a Theocratic Hellscape. So, no, in my plan, you don't suffer—except the "hardship" of a paid for move to a more sane part of the country where your rights are respected and your opportunities ensured.

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Now I would definitely agree to that for sure!!!

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what happens is that you can’t single them out so you hurt for more kin maga folks.

try again.

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I like the way you think, though I can't say with any certainty that what you promote is possible/plausible. I'm not an expert in any of it. But I do believe that D Party has to build an opposition party ... fascism is already knocking so many doors down in less than a week's time.

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I don't think there are any laws on the books that prohibit one state from forming a compact with another to deal with some common issue. And if there is, then we can just form a shell corporation to handle it.

C'mon now, the "beauty" of Corporate America is that there's always a loophole for you to do just about anything you want. We just need to start playing by the same rules...

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