Thank you for clearly and matter of factly stating the truth of where we are at this very moment.
I have seen this coming since 9/11. I was sitting in church a couple of days afterwards. After all the “godly” teachings and sermons I’d heard I was shocked to hear a leader, sitting in my pew, viciously saying in a loud voice “this means WAR. We need to immediately respond (with violence) to these people DARING to attack America!”
What I heard all around me was a hate-filled desire for revenge. WWJD bracelets (what would Jesus do) were hugely popular and being worn everywhere amongst Christian’s at the time. Interestingly those popular bracelets disappeared overnight.
I began an earnest study of our history. Funny, but not funny at all, the myriad of things that were never taught to us in school. Nor by our parents. Nor by the “christians” in the church I became a part of when I was 18 and very new to the that whole concept and what I now call the Book of Stories (Bible).
The thing is, from the very beginning, misguided unbalanced religion was part of the foundation of our country. We have long been under the misnomer that America was “God’s country” and we developed into a people who believed we were “special” and in deference to him we must honor HIM by TAKING this land. Manifest destiny, driven by that underlying belief that we were more “special” than any other people group or country was and is ugly and unbelievably disgraceful.
And so it began. America already has wracked up a huge blood debt. The majority of it justified by the “big lie” as I call it, that everything we proceeded to do from our very beginning was “God’s will”.
Our country was built on the foundation of genocide. We slaughtered hundreds of indigenous people, with relish, that we labeled savages, believing in our arrogance that we were pleasing and honoring “god”. What we actually did and have continued to do is insane and disgusting. We have misused and abused every people group we deemed less then. Our wealth was built on the backs of beautiful black people we kidnapped, forced to come here and made into slaves. And then there were the Chinese, the Irish, the Italians, the poor etc etc etc It’s the song that never ends.
At 9/11 2977 people initially died, 1000’s were injured and an additional 6787 would die from related illnesses. An estimated total of 9800 people.
So America was self righteously driven to retaliate. (A real christian thing to do. Not.) So we attacked Iraq claiming there were weapons of mass destruction. None were ever found. But we never apologized or rectified our mistake. Approximately 4500 US soldiers were killed and 32,000 injured. As for Iraq we killed 200,000 thousand civilians alone. No one has ever been able to explain to me why it was fair or just to do what we did in retaliation for the 9/11 3000 deaths. When I’ve asked different Christians of different faiths to explain it to me their eyes always just glaze over.
I know it’s not ALL Christians of course. It’s mostly the conservative fundamentalists who’ve participated and supported these decisions and actions. But since they’ve defiled that name it might be well for people who actually do believe in a fair, just and loving god, to change their name. In my opinion.
America. I hate what is happening now and I will fight with everything I have against another great evil being spearheaded by our leaders. But in all honesty the lies, greed, lack of integrity, refusal to be held accountable is nothing new. Just about anywhere you go in our beautiful beloved country, innocent blood cries out from the ground. And that doesn’t even include all the other countries we’ve hurt with our greed and sense of god-blessed privilege.
We absolutely need to take back our country from the criminals we just handed it to. But I think it’s very possible Russia already owns us. If so this will indeed mean terrible things will happen to us.
But in the bigger realm of morality and based on our TRUE history which certain people are trying to censor and erase to the best of thieir ability, I cannot say we don’t deserve this.
But we still need to fight. Those of us on the side of justice and the dignity of humanity need to do what we can to staunch any more shedding of blood. The saying which comes to mind is “pay me now or pay me later”. And when we until later it always means super bad outcomes and consequences.
We’ve GOT to try to redeem what we’ve done in putting this regime in charge of our country, our safety and our children’s future.
And by the way, shortly after 9/11 I exited the buildings that call themselves churches. I don’t often use the word “god” anymore. Whoever THAT god is, it’s NOT my god. I’m still very spiritual but I reject the name christian. I don’t know what these christian nationalists think they’re doing but it has NOTHING to do with Jesus Christ.
Thank you for clearly and matter of factly stating the truth of where we are at this very moment.
I have seen this coming since 9/11. I was sitting in church a couple of days afterwards. After all the “godly” teachings and sermons I’d heard I was shocked to hear a leader, sitting in my pew, viciously saying in a loud voice “this means WAR. We need to immediately respond (with violence) to these people DARING to attack America!”
What I heard all around me was a hate-filled desire for revenge. WWJD bracelets (what would Jesus do) were hugely popular and being worn everywhere amongst Christian’s at the time. Interestingly those popular bracelets disappeared overnight.
I began an earnest study of our history. Funny, but not funny at all, the myriad of things that were never taught to us in school. Nor by our parents. Nor by the “christians” in the church I became a part of when I was 18 and very new to the that whole concept and what I now call the Book of Stories (Bible).
The thing is, from the very beginning, misguided unbalanced religion was part of the foundation of our country. We have long been under the misnomer that America was “God’s country” and we developed into a people who believed we were “special” and in deference to him we must honor HIM by TAKING this land. Manifest destiny, driven by that underlying belief that we were more “special” than any other people group or country was and is ugly and unbelievably disgraceful.
And so it began. America already has wracked up a huge blood debt. The majority of it justified by the “big lie” as I call it, that everything we proceeded to do from our very beginning was “God’s will”.
Our country was built on the foundation of genocide. We slaughtered hundreds of indigenous people, with relish, that we labeled savages, believing in our arrogance that we were pleasing and honoring “god”. What we actually did and have continued to do is insane and disgusting. We have misused and abused every people group we deemed less then. Our wealth was built on the backs of beautiful black people we kidnapped, forced to come here and made into slaves. And then there were the Chinese, the Irish, the Italians, the poor etc etc etc It’s the song that never ends.
At 9/11 2977 people initially died, 1000’s were injured and an additional 6787 would die from related illnesses. An estimated total of 9800 people.
So America was self righteously driven to retaliate. (A real christian thing to do. Not.) So we attacked Iraq claiming there were weapons of mass destruction. None were ever found. But we never apologized or rectified our mistake. Approximately 4500 US soldiers were killed and 32,000 injured. As for Iraq we killed 200,000 thousand civilians alone. No one has ever been able to explain to me why it was fair or just to do what we did in retaliation for the 9/11 3000 deaths. When I’ve asked different Christians of different faiths to explain it to me their eyes always just glaze over.
I know it’s not ALL Christians of course. It’s mostly the conservative fundamentalists who’ve participated and supported these decisions and actions. But since they’ve defiled that name it might be well for people who actually do believe in a fair, just and loving god, to change their name. In my opinion.
America. I hate what is happening now and I will fight with everything I have against another great evil being spearheaded by our leaders. But in all honesty the lies, greed, lack of integrity, refusal to be held accountable is nothing new. Just about anywhere you go in our beautiful beloved country, innocent blood cries out from the ground. And that doesn’t even include all the other countries we’ve hurt with our greed and sense of god-blessed privilege.
We absolutely need to take back our country from the criminals we just handed it to. But I think it’s very possible Russia already owns us. If so this will indeed mean terrible things will happen to us.
But in the bigger realm of morality and based on our TRUE history which certain people are trying to censor and erase to the best of thieir ability, I cannot say we don’t deserve this.
But we still need to fight. Those of us on the side of justice and the dignity of humanity need to do what we can to staunch any more shedding of blood. The saying which comes to mind is “pay me now or pay me later”. And when we until later it always means super bad outcomes and consequences.
We’ve GOT to try to redeem what we’ve done in putting this regime in charge of our country, our safety and our children’s future.
And by the way, shortly after 9/11 I exited the buildings that call themselves churches. I don’t often use the word “god” anymore. Whoever THAT god is, it’s NOT my god. I’m still very spiritual but I reject the name christian. I don’t know what these christian nationalists think they’re doing but it has NOTHING to do with Jesus Christ.