Great article! I can't agree with you more! I fear the old adage..."when the pain gets great enough we change"...may be what wakes people up! It is gonna take some economic bad times to wake some folks up. I can't stress enough how serious of a moment we're in! We should all be taking to the streets and demanding the impeachment of tRump...and Elon! But as you have said they would enact martial law...but we have to try! Articles of impeachment may fail but file them anyway! Not sure how this will end but the US will never be the same to Americans, or to foreign countries. We are living through the destruction of our democratic republic.😢 I find it more heartbreaking, and stressful every day that goes by. But I will call, and write congress, go to protests, boycott companies that bend the knee, wite posts on social, talk to friends and family...and vote💙💙💙 🫂to you for thus article. Imma share now!

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What needs to happen, honestly, is for the Dem party to fund local unknown dems to hold mini rallies, not for other Dems, but for MAGA, to engage them honestly and openly and tell them to their faces how they're getting scammed

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Here is $160 Trillion to help. Net. Net USA personal wealth.

<uswealthclock.com> US Fed numbers, quarterly.

We are not in debt. The Republicans lie traitorously on the floors of our Congress relentlessly, daily, but no one corrects them and straightens them out.

The Dems and progressives say we have the wealth, *but not how much*

If we use this massive fact, and the history of lying about it, to ‘get into their spaces,’ your key insight about what we need to do, they will lie about it, of course.

But that is how that works. Raising the issue makes that audience think and talk about it.

Our net wealth grew $80 Trillion in the past 10 years. Our federal debt and obligations grew $17 Trillion, including disasters and treachery.

Our net personal wealth grew $17 Trillion in the latest 12 months reported. Check it. Our federal debt and obligations grew $2.3 Trillion . Check that. One is bigger, massively bigger , and tells the story.

I have been asking many key progressive leaders to spread the word for 10 years, often in person, so know that. No detectable results, blank stares, maddening.

Thanks for your work, there’s more, b.rad

ps last sentence of the Declaration ends ‘. . . we . . . pledge . . . our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.’ It’s time, again.

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Thanks for this, will definitely incorporate it into messaging. I have a lot of things coming up on economics, mainly as it relates to wealth/income distribution over time (lots of graphs for people who care about them), and honestly, this is something I hadn't even thought about.

Seriously, thanks for this!

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