This really enrages me. This is nothing more than a pathetic, insecure bully finding a target to focus on. That it be vulnerable children is reprehensible. Email sent. I live 500 miles away or I would show up to the meeting.
The Democratic brand is in the toilet,” Molly Ball wrote in The Wall Street Journal, noting that a Journal poll found that “60 percent of Americans view the party unfavorably while only 36 percent see it favorably. Democrats lost ground with nearly every demographic.”
do with their own bodies whatever they wish — having an OFFENSIVE strategy. The R party is vile and contemptible, and the only reason why anyone votes for them is because the dynamics are always allowed to be the same:
I guess this is why I struggle with many on the left.
Vile , despicable make it hard for me to have a conversation.
You might view it that way and I have absolutely no desire to ever intrude on people’s personal lives, what they want to wear or what two consenting adults do to each other in the privacy of their own homes.
But the left has blown way past those rights for people to do what they want in their own homes, to transvestite reading to children in a public school when they are only eight or 10 or even 17 year-old minors.
If you can’t understand that, I have no idea where to even try to find common ground.
I remember when one of my sons was in the fifth grade if I remember correctly, and the issue came up of learning about other countries, major religion.
And once again, I have no problem with that whatsoever, the problem was when they were learning about Buddhism and practicing meditation.
That is not learning about a religion, that is practicing a religion. My wife and I are very fortunate that the school simply gave my son’s a past go to the library and read a book..
I guess to try to make this simple social issues at a minimum should not be brought up until at a minimum high school, and even that should be the 11th and 12th grades.
Hopefully, we can agree on the simplest of topics that education is vital to the health and future of any society. If they could just stick to those principles, reading writing and arithmetic as they say., the 3 Rs what absolutely help the Democratic Party get back into the main stream of our country.
So if you can just kind of take out the emotional words that have any bearing on the points, you are trying to make, that’s my opinion. And I promise you if there’s anything that you do not like as far as any of the language I use that just adds emotion as opposed to making your point I will happily oblige.
I just wanna again reiterate that what I see is hurting the Democratic Party as we stand here right now today.
I believe it was a county in Texas that is I believe 92% Latin and did not vote for a Republican president in over 100 years who went for President Trump should be a screaming red light to just stop and consider why that happened.
So I work overnights and I’m gonna crash hard, I’m happy to continue our discussion and hopefully we can agree more than we disagree. They can be tough sometimes and emotions get the better of most people which makes us human., but I do wish you the best. I don’t know another way to explain my point of view and the issues that are important to me and most importantly to my family..
Rs have been using it to demonize Ds for ~40 years. Don't you think it's a bit unfair to Ds to expect them to just "logic" their way through politics while Rs are not held to the same standard?
I would love to go back to a time when politics was about facts, but Rs have brought us here, so I don't think that Ds should continue the unilateral disarmament of language as Rs continue to call Ds evil America-hating pedophiles who mutilate children, just for starters.
As for calling Rs vile and contemptible: Are you familiar with the fact that the SBC (The Southern Baptist Convention)—essentially the closest to what you might call America's Christian "Vatican"—spent decades hiding and protecting pastors and church workers who abused and raped members of their congregations? They literally had a list of 700+ people that just kept growing and growing.
By the way, Christianity Today is not some liberal think tank. They're run by Christians
Did they warn their members to protect the children? No.
Did they turn these people over to authorities? No.
And also by the way, this was almost 3 years ago now. They promised to do a bunch of things, including creating a database of these predators. I look into it from time to time, and last I checked, there are still 0 names.
I think that "vile" and "contemptible" are perfect adjectives for these people who think themselves beacons of morality. Would you disagree?
These are the "leaders" of the Christian movement in the US, supposedly their "best".
And yet, these are the same people that claim transgender people are the threat to children. Can they point to some trans "organization" hiding and protecting almost 1000 ACTUAL pedos/rapists? No.
I was raised a Christian, I have worked for Churches within Christian education and have read the bible from end-to-end multiple times, and I clearly remember something something pull the plank out of your eye before you try to point to the speck in your brother's eye (Matthew 7:3-5)
As for trans people or Buddhism in classrooms:
I literally went to a Catholic school from 1-8 grade. Throughout those years I always had a Catholicism class. I turned out fine. I have since chosen not to consider myself a Christian due to all the corruption within the movement. But to each their own.
My point however is simple. I see no issue with children being exposed to different cultures and ideas. The best way to prevent a child from being indoctrinated by any philosophy/belief system/religion/cult is to show them that there are so many things that exist.
I have no doubt that if my idea is good, that I can convince people of it without fear that if they're exposed to something else that they'll stray away.
To go back to the issue, you brought up though:
The day that transpeople start saying that children CAN ONLY be exposed to their world view, I'll have a problem
The day that Buddhists start saying that children CAN ONLY be exposed to their world view, I'll have a problem
So far though, that day has not arrived. I only see one group trying to force children to be exposed to a severely limited worldview, and that's all coming from Rs trying to ban books and literally criminalize certain people's existence.
That I have a problem with, especially when they're the ones ACTUALLY exposing children to dangerous vile people while giving them cover and protection with complete impunity.
Hmmm... I think that the issue with defending trans people has little to do with trans people and everything to do with "defending". The best way to defend them to instead of getting sucked into an issue that should require no explanation — defending the rights of individuals to do with their own bodies whatever they wish — having an OFFENSIVE strategy. The R party is vile and contemptible, and the only reason why anyone votes for them is because the dynamics are always allowed to be the same:
Rs Attack
Ds Defend
This means:
D values are ALWAYS under scrutiny
R values are NEVER under scrutiny
And Dems are just too gullible and self-centered to accept that in this dynamic your BEST outcome is a draw, and the alternative is ALWAYS a LOSS of ground.
This is true for virtually EVERYTHING Dems care about.
You talk about labor. Guess what, we've been losing on LABOR since LONG before trans was an issue.
Rs have been on the attack on Labor since the 70s.
Dems have ONLY LOST ground since.
Why? Because Dems are ALWAYS on the DEFENSIVE, even though it's Rs that have OBLITERATED the middle class with Reaganomics/Trickle-Down bs.
Again, if you're still thinking that it's a policy problem, you're woefully misguided and falling prey for the very failure of STRATEGY that has plagued the democratic party for the last 50 years.
I’m just going to stick with trans for now but understand that I am not a Republican Or Democrat.
What I am is a hard working construction worker who is PRO UNION to my core.
I’m still amazed as well as pissed off at how easily the Dems more or less allowed President Trump to essentially gain their support.
It’s vital they learn to remember who their friends were for decades.
I will happily read your outline for a book, as well as consider every point you make. What I will not do it just Resort to name-calling as opposed to critiquing and engaging your thoughts.
I am not a bot, I’m not an algorithm, and I certainly am not a reactionary man who just follows the crowd.
I’m absolutely willing to have an open mind as long as you keep the dialogue open to what concerns me. I promise you if the Democrats continue to just ignore even one point that is important to many of us., they’re just not gonna be able to break out of the cycle of all or nothing.
I will tell you more about my family’s past and how much of my views on politics were shaped by the history where they came from, what they lived through as well as what they viewed as very dangerous too, our future.
The Trump bad was good. It’s just caveman thinking., and more importantly is boxing them into a corner that gets smaller and smaller and smaller.
We don’t have the agree on everything but at a minimum we should agree on the biggest issues facing our republic.
To be honest with you, it’s almost impossible for somebody like me to be able to even reply to more than one post without the labels that follow my critique on why Kamala lost.
You might think the same as many of the conservative replies are no better.
What’s important is that we actually just communicate with each other with words instead of reactionary over the top replies that do nothing to move the country forward.
I might not always have the time to reply right away, but I promise you I will reply. Godspeed..
While there could be some nuance, I think I agree with 100% of what you have here.
It borders on absurd that Trump was able to gain union support, and I blame Dems as much, if not more, than Trump (not sure where your split would be).
What makes it worst to me is the fact that Biden was objectively better for Unions than what Trump had been in his first term, while Trump was literally sitting with Elon and laughing at the idea of firing people trying to unionize. To top it off the Biden admin was the most pro worker/middle class/labor/union administration in ~80 years. This is objectively, verifiably true: from his anti-trust policies going after monopolies and unfair practices via the FTC to his pro-labor/union work via the NLRB. And yet, they COMPLETELY failed to develop a message that would get this across. More importantly though, as you suggested earlier, Rs have so succeeded in tarring and feathering that Democratic party that I'm uncertain that this message could just be delivered as is in a way that anyone not already a Dem would even consider looking at it.
It's unfortunate that this is the case, but it is. It goes way back to Rush Limbaugh, and then to Newt Gingrich, and how they made it OK to demonize the other party.
And again, as much as I wish this weren't so, and as much as it is unfortunate that it is, this is reality.
Now, I'm not suggesting that Dems should just start name-calling Rs the way Rs have done for decades. No, I'm saying they should be on the offensive, calling out the ways in which Rs have COMPLETELY betrayed our country. From the way they corrupted Christianity (did you know for example that Christians—except for Catholics—didn't start caring about abortion until the late 70s? I still have some incomplete writings on this subject to be published, but you can look into Paul Weyrich weaponized Christianity into an arm of the R party), to the Southern Strategy, to Deregulation: all of it has been 0% about improving American lives and 100% about consolidating power in the hands of a very few at the cost of everyone else by sowing division while strip-mining communities out of their resources . And this is THE message you will never see leave the lips of a Dem. I still can't tell if it's spinelessness, incompetence, arrogance, or what, but they will just never SPEAK the words that need to be said for America to realize that the R party is a big con against the working/middle class
That's precisely why I say Dems need to get on the offensive. For DECADES they've been on the defensive and when you're on the defensive you can only lose ground
These principles—fairness, truth, responsibility, merit, and simplicity
I agree with all of it , particularly Merit but responsibility , truth and almost as much as Merit is simplicity. Americans in general are fed a line of crap about having the newest whatever the F”!,k
A car , computer , phone , microwave, it never ends.
There's a lot of nuances on my thought process that I couldn't possibly hope to explain in a reply.
If you want to understand my thought process, you can read my work on USOS (The Unified Societal Operating System), a governance framework I've been developing, which begins with an analysis of the New Deal. It's a lengthy reading, but I'm not sure how else to answer your question in a way that will not result in 1000 more questions that are all already answered throughout the reading
Tell me about it. When I was in High School, due to some misunderstanding of immigration laws (deadlines) my family became illegal immigrants. During High School, the reality these kids are dealing with now as a possibility for me. Luckly, I had teachers that could be trusted.
Please consider using the info on the article to contact MD/Baltimore to put pressure on them to do the right thing
He's the one we got to deal with right now. Hoping that a lot of people will send messages to the MD Department of Education and the Baltimore County Public Schools Superintendent
I'm a retired educator in New Mexico. Email sent; calling the Maryland Dept of Ed tomorrow morning.
Renner's behavior is beyond appalling!
Thank you for reaching out to them, especially being a former educator!
This really enrages me. This is nothing more than a pathetic, insecure bully finding a target to focus on. That it be vulnerable children is reprehensible. Email sent. I live 500 miles away or I would show up to the meeting.
Please keep us informed of the outcome.
Thank you for sending the email.
I'll be keeping an eye on how it develops and report back once there's an update
He’ll just get hired as Musk’s VP. Snake that he is.
The Democratic brand is in the toilet,” Molly Ball wrote in The Wall Street Journal, noting that a Journal poll found that “60 percent of Americans view the party unfavorably while only 36 percent see it favorably. Democrats lost ground with nearly every demographic.”
do with their own bodies whatever they wish — having an OFFENSIVE strategy. The R party is vile and contemptible, and the only reason why anyone votes for them is because the dynamics are always allowed to be the same:
I guess this is why I struggle with many on the left.
Vile , despicable make it hard for me to have a conversation.
You might view it that way and I have absolutely no desire to ever intrude on people’s personal lives, what they want to wear or what two consenting adults do to each other in the privacy of their own homes.
But the left has blown way past those rights for people to do what they want in their own homes, to transvestite reading to children in a public school when they are only eight or 10 or even 17 year-old minors.
If you can’t understand that, I have no idea where to even try to find common ground.
I remember when one of my sons was in the fifth grade if I remember correctly, and the issue came up of learning about other countries, major religion.
And once again, I have no problem with that whatsoever, the problem was when they were learning about Buddhism and practicing meditation.
That is not learning about a religion, that is practicing a religion. My wife and I are very fortunate that the school simply gave my son’s a past go to the library and read a book..
I guess to try to make this simple social issues at a minimum should not be brought up until at a minimum high school, and even that should be the 11th and 12th grades.
Hopefully, we can agree on the simplest of topics that education is vital to the health and future of any society. If they could just stick to those principles, reading writing and arithmetic as they say., the 3 Rs what absolutely help the Democratic Party get back into the main stream of our country.
So if you can just kind of take out the emotional words that have any bearing on the points, you are trying to make, that’s my opinion. And I promise you if there’s anything that you do not like as far as any of the language I use that just adds emotion as opposed to making your point I will happily oblige.
I just wanna again reiterate that what I see is hurting the Democratic Party as we stand here right now today.
I believe it was a county in Texas that is I believe 92% Latin and did not vote for a Republican president in over 100 years who went for President Trump should be a screaming red light to just stop and consider why that happened.
So I work overnights and I’m gonna crash hard, I’m happy to continue our discussion and hopefully we can agree more than we disagree. They can be tough sometimes and emotions get the better of most people which makes us human., but I do wish you the best. I don’t know another way to explain my point of view and the issues that are important to me and most importantly to my family..
Worst case we agreed to disagree. Be well.😎
Sounds good, I'll leave replies when I see them.
Here's the thing about emotional language though:
Rs have been using it to demonize Ds for ~40 years. Don't you think it's a bit unfair to Ds to expect them to just "logic" their way through politics while Rs are not held to the same standard?
I would love to go back to a time when politics was about facts, but Rs have brought us here, so I don't think that Ds should continue the unilateral disarmament of language as Rs continue to call Ds evil America-hating pedophiles who mutilate children, just for starters.
As for calling Rs vile and contemptible: Are you familiar with the fact that the SBC (The Southern Baptist Convention)—essentially the closest to what you might call America's Christian "Vatican"—spent decades hiding and protecting pastors and church workers who abused and raped members of their congregations? They literally had a list of 700+ people that just kept growing and growing.
Here's the story if you're interested:
By the way, Christianity Today is not some liberal think tank. They're run by Christians
Did they warn their members to protect the children? No.
Did they turn these people over to authorities? No.
And also by the way, this was almost 3 years ago now. They promised to do a bunch of things, including creating a database of these predators. I look into it from time to time, and last I checked, there are still 0 names.
I think that "vile" and "contemptible" are perfect adjectives for these people who think themselves beacons of morality. Would you disagree?
These are the "leaders" of the Christian movement in the US, supposedly their "best".
And yet, these are the same people that claim transgender people are the threat to children. Can they point to some trans "organization" hiding and protecting almost 1000 ACTUAL pedos/rapists? No.
I was raised a Christian, I have worked for Churches within Christian education and have read the bible from end-to-end multiple times, and I clearly remember something something pull the plank out of your eye before you try to point to the speck in your brother's eye (Matthew 7:3-5)
As for trans people or Buddhism in classrooms:
I literally went to a Catholic school from 1-8 grade. Throughout those years I always had a Catholicism class. I turned out fine. I have since chosen not to consider myself a Christian due to all the corruption within the movement. But to each their own.
My point however is simple. I see no issue with children being exposed to different cultures and ideas. The best way to prevent a child from being indoctrinated by any philosophy/belief system/religion/cult is to show them that there are so many things that exist.
I have no doubt that if my idea is good, that I can convince people of it without fear that if they're exposed to something else that they'll stray away.
To go back to the issue, you brought up though:
The day that transpeople start saying that children CAN ONLY be exposed to their world view, I'll have a problem
The day that Buddhists start saying that children CAN ONLY be exposed to their world view, I'll have a problem
So far though, that day has not arrived. I only see one group trying to force children to be exposed to a severely limited worldview, and that's all coming from Rs trying to ban books and literally criminalize certain people's existence.
That I have a problem with, especially when they're the ones ACTUALLY exposing children to dangerous vile people while giving them cover and protection with complete impunity.
Great . TY 🙏Luke .
It would be nice if they got off this transvestite insanity and hit back to supporting labor.
Just saying
Hmmm... I think that the issue with defending trans people has little to do with trans people and everything to do with "defending". The best way to defend them to instead of getting sucked into an issue that should require no explanation — defending the rights of individuals to do with their own bodies whatever they wish — having an OFFENSIVE strategy. The R party is vile and contemptible, and the only reason why anyone votes for them is because the dynamics are always allowed to be the same:
Rs Attack
Ds Defend
This means:
D values are ALWAYS under scrutiny
R values are NEVER under scrutiny
And Dems are just too gullible and self-centered to accept that in this dynamic your BEST outcome is a draw, and the alternative is ALWAYS a LOSS of ground.
This is true for virtually EVERYTHING Dems care about.
You talk about labor. Guess what, we've been losing on LABOR since LONG before trans was an issue.
Rs have been on the attack on Labor since the 70s.
Dems have ONLY LOST ground since.
Why? Because Dems are ALWAYS on the DEFENSIVE, even though it's Rs that have OBLITERATED the middle class with Reaganomics/Trickle-Down bs.
Again, if you're still thinking that it's a policy problem, you're woefully misguided and falling prey for the very failure of STRATEGY that has plagued the democratic party for the last 50 years.
I’m just going to stick with trans for now but understand that I am not a Republican Or Democrat.
What I am is a hard working construction worker who is PRO UNION to my core.
I’m still amazed as well as pissed off at how easily the Dems more or less allowed President Trump to essentially gain their support.
It’s vital they learn to remember who their friends were for decades.
I will happily read your outline for a book, as well as consider every point you make. What I will not do it just Resort to name-calling as opposed to critiquing and engaging your thoughts.
I am not a bot, I’m not an algorithm, and I certainly am not a reactionary man who just follows the crowd.
I’m absolutely willing to have an open mind as long as you keep the dialogue open to what concerns me. I promise you if the Democrats continue to just ignore even one point that is important to many of us., they’re just not gonna be able to break out of the cycle of all or nothing.
I will tell you more about my family’s past and how much of my views on politics were shaped by the history where they came from, what they lived through as well as what they viewed as very dangerous too, our future.
The Trump bad was good. It’s just caveman thinking., and more importantly is boxing them into a corner that gets smaller and smaller and smaller.
We don’t have the agree on everything but at a minimum we should agree on the biggest issues facing our republic.
To be honest with you, it’s almost impossible for somebody like me to be able to even reply to more than one post without the labels that follow my critique on why Kamala lost.
You might think the same as many of the conservative replies are no better.
What’s important is that we actually just communicate with each other with words instead of reactionary over the top replies that do nothing to move the country forward.
I might not always have the time to reply right away, but I promise you I will reply. Godspeed..
While there could be some nuance, I think I agree with 100% of what you have here.
It borders on absurd that Trump was able to gain union support, and I blame Dems as much, if not more, than Trump (not sure where your split would be).
What makes it worst to me is the fact that Biden was objectively better for Unions than what Trump had been in his first term, while Trump was literally sitting with Elon and laughing at the idea of firing people trying to unionize. To top it off the Biden admin was the most pro worker/middle class/labor/union administration in ~80 years. This is objectively, verifiably true: from his anti-trust policies going after monopolies and unfair practices via the FTC to his pro-labor/union work via the NLRB. And yet, they COMPLETELY failed to develop a message that would get this across. More importantly though, as you suggested earlier, Rs have so succeeded in tarring and feathering that Democratic party that I'm uncertain that this message could just be delivered as is in a way that anyone not already a Dem would even consider looking at it.
It's unfortunate that this is the case, but it is. It goes way back to Rush Limbaugh, and then to Newt Gingrich, and how they made it OK to demonize the other party.
And again, as much as I wish this weren't so, and as much as it is unfortunate that it is, this is reality.
Now, I'm not suggesting that Dems should just start name-calling Rs the way Rs have done for decades. No, I'm saying they should be on the offensive, calling out the ways in which Rs have COMPLETELY betrayed our country. From the way they corrupted Christianity (did you know for example that Christians—except for Catholics—didn't start caring about abortion until the late 70s? I still have some incomplete writings on this subject to be published, but you can look into Paul Weyrich weaponized Christianity into an arm of the R party), to the Southern Strategy, to Deregulation: all of it has been 0% about improving American lives and 100% about consolidating power in the hands of a very few at the cost of everyone else by sowing division while strip-mining communities out of their resources . And this is THE message you will never see leave the lips of a Dem. I still can't tell if it's spinelessness, incompetence, arrogance, or what, but they will just never SPEAK the words that need to be said for America to realize that the R party is a big con against the working/middle class
That's precisely why I say Dems need to get on the offensive. For DECADES they've been on the defensive and when you're on the defensive you can only lose ground
You bio says you want to make a fairer society. Please explain what and how. God speed Luke
These principles—fairness, truth, responsibility, merit, and simplicity
I agree with all of it , particularly Merit but responsibility , truth and almost as much as Merit is simplicity. Americans in general are fed a line of crap about having the newest whatever the F”!,k
A car , computer , phone , microwave, it never ends.
I will definitely read on .😎
There's a lot of nuances on my thought process that I couldn't possibly hope to explain in a reply.
If you want to understand my thought process, you can read my work on USOS (The Unified Societal Operating System), a governance framework I've been developing, which begins with an analysis of the New Deal. It's a lengthy reading, but I'm not sure how else to answer your question in a way that will not result in 1000 more questions that are all already answered throughout the reading
If you're up to it, it starts here:
What a cruel person he is.
Tell me about it. When I was in High School, due to some misunderstanding of immigration laws (deadlines) my family became illegal immigrants. During High School, the reality these kids are dealing with now as a possibility for me. Luckly, I had teachers that could be trusted.
Please consider using the info on the article to contact MD/Baltimore to put pressure on them to do the right thing
I didn’t think teachers or administrators were allowed to distribute private student information
Hope Jamie Raskin weighs in!
I’m pretty sure that they’re not supposed to.
Please consider using the info on the article to contact MD/Baltimore to put pressure on them to do the right thing
Email sent! Ty
Thank you so much for sending it!
The scumbags never cease! Terrible!
he’s not even the first.
He's the one we got to deal with right now. Hoping that a lot of people will send messages to the MD Department of Education and the Baltimore County Public Schools Superintendent
what a total pos. he is probably producing csm on the side. someone should look at his hard drives.
Don’t look for action from BCS. They employ a documented child sex offender. They won’t do much here.
Even if we make this a national thing?